The modern supply chain is a network of blind spots. ERDs change without warning. Vessel cut-offs shift. Logistics teams spend hours chasing answers instead of making decisions, costing time and money. And every delay, inefficiency, and unplanned costs adds up - sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars.The companies switching to embrace real-time, connected data are the ones that stay ahead. The ones that don’t? They’ll keep fighting the same fires, over and over again.
Leading exporters in the US continue to make the switch to UnitySCM, choosing us over the competition.
It isn’t because we’re the biggest. And it isn’t because we promise them a flawless supply chain. It is because, in their world, uncertainty is expensive - and they need a way to see problems before they happen.
Their businesses move tens of thousands of containers a year.
Each one with high-value inventory, countless moving parts, and a non-negotiable deadline. But despite their size and experience, they keep running into the same challenges: delays they couldn’t predict, costs they couldn’t control, and logistics that felt like a series of fire drills rather than a system running as designed.
The problem isn’t that they lack data. They have data everywhere - scattered across carrier platforms, in emails from forwarders, buried in spreadsheets. What they lack is a single, reliable way to track everything that mattered, when it mattered. They need a solution that can ingest data from any system, identify and resolve data quality issues, and provide actionable insights in real-time. They also need it to fit their needs, without making them go through hoops to make it work for them.
They need a partner who could work with them.
These exporters aren't alone, either. It’s been well reported how we’ve previously helped ADAMA reduce costs by $20 million, organize their data, and help them find a variety of different ways to extract value from it through data-driven operations. We have also enabled them to gain full visibility into their 30,000+ containers per year - 80% of which are for exports.
Supply chains don’t always break all at once. They don’t always collapse in a dramatic failure that makes the front page. Instead, they unravel quietly, in small increments - one missed update, one misaligned schedule, one unnoticed change at a time.
For these exporters, those small failures looked like this:
None of these issues alone bring their supply chains to a halt. But together, they created a system that felt reactive, inefficient, and increasingly expensive.
The decision to leave their current providers and implement UnitySCM wasn’t about adding another layer of software. It was about removing layers of uncertainty.
As we’re seeing, this isn’t just one company’s problem.
The modern supply chain is a network of blind spots. ERDs change without warning. Vessel cut-offs shift. Logistics teams spend hours chasing answers instead of making decisions, costing time and money. And every delay, inefficiency, and unplanned costs adds up - sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars.
The companies switching to embrace real-time, connected data are the ones that stay ahead. The ones that don’t? They’ll keep fighting the same fires, over and over again.
Supply chains aren’t getting any simpler. But for our customers, who can see what’s coming, they’re getting a whole lot easier to manage.